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If he can be that passionate about pizza…

There’s no reason you shouldn’t be passionate about your business. Meet Anthony Mangeiri, owner of Una Pizza Napoletana in New York City. I stumbled across him while browsing through a few pages on Chow.com (after consuming my second steak in less than 24 hours).

Anthony was featured in a video that showcased his pizza joint and managed to capture a bit of his unique and dynamic personality. If there’s an Italian version of Gary Vaynerchuk, this guy is it!

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Tommy can swim, can you?

samaasaa vihavumah - a tribute (for the times that fun runs out of hand)
Creative Commons License photo credit: notsogoodphotography

At the beginning of this year, I decided to pick up and read Robert Cialdini’s book, Persuasion, again.

By the way, If you’re involved in anything concerning business, marketing, or human psychology, pick up that book today. Persuasion is practically a part of marketing canon. It’s a very easy, entertaining, and insightful read.

Moving along, I recently stumbled upon a passage about Cialdini’s son, Chris, that detailed the father’s frustrating and failed attempts to make the 3-year-old swim without his inflatable inner tube. The father had failed at convincing his son otherwise. Even Cialdini’s graduate student, who was a former lifeguard, had failed.

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